marți, 10 aprilie 2007


Si in Slovacia exista obiceiul stropitului (pe care eu anul acesta l-am ignorat complet). Povestea cineva de acolo ca in ziua de stropit la ei merg pe strada pompierii si te stropesc cu furtunul. Si prietenii vin la stropit, dar cu galeata! Culmea nesimtirii: vin cu galeata goala, iti suna la usa, te roaga sa le-o umpli, te invita afara si ti-o toarna in cap. Nu glumesc:

On Monday morning girls used to get up early to be ready when the first guys-kupaci come. Guys had to start very early if they wanted to go through the whole village until noon, because in the afternoon, they used to say, it wasn't polite to "water" the girls. So at 6 A. M. the girls already opened the doors for the first guys. If a girl liked sleeping longer, they would find her in her bed and pour water on her, no mercy! Girls were happy to have these "morning visitors" but they also liked playing hide and seek with young men. They would hide under their beds, in the wardrobe, in the pantry or they would even go to the stable and hide somewhere in between the animals. One of the most sophisticated "shelters" for girls was the attic of the house where the family had hay. They climbed up the ladder, drew it up after themselves, and hid in the hay. But what a problem if the guys noticed there was no ladder!!! They immediately knew where the girls were and God helps these now! Two guys held the girl arms stretched, and the others poured water on her. No, they didn't have a cup, they had a bucket full of water right from the well in the yard!

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